Welcome to Yoga Alliance of Europe

European Yoga Alliance - supporting Yoga Teachers , Yogatherapists , Yoga Trainers of Teachers , Master of Yoga Schools , Yoga lineages and the Diversity , Tradition and Integrity of Yoga in Europe .

Yoga Alliance of Europe registers individually Both teachers and training courses . Teachers : Yoga teachers , Yoga therapists , Yoga Trainers of Teachers " Formateurs " Master of Yoga. And courses : Instructor Yoga teacher training , Yoga teacher training , Yoga training therapists .

Trainers of Yoga Teachers " Formatuers " That training programs have successfully Demonstrated compliance With the minimum World Yoga Teacher Educational Standards and International Basic Programme ( ITP ) , for yoga teachers the world established by the governing body of the International Yoga Federation yoga With the World Yoga Council - Vishwa Yoga Samsad .

Yoga Alliance of Europe established a continental Yoga Teachers' Registry in Europe for the supports yoga teachers , yoga therapists and master of Yoga with the diversity , tradition , and integrity of yoga.

To lead the European Community Yoga , Set standards , foster tradition , integrity , and resources and uphold the Teachings of Yoga with the World -wide Community and International Yoga Yoga Federation .